
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Angels are Here!

Just wanted to quickly post that our little guys are now home. We brought Joel home last night... it was exhausting... my naive idea of "no problem, I'll just keep them on the hospital schedule and we'll be fine" was quickly tossed out by Joel, and instead we were up until about 4a.m. with his screaming to be held all night long. Todd had planned on working today, but at 4:00 he turned to me and said, "Guess what, I'm staying home today!" After the 4a.m. feeding Joel was wiped out and slept well the rest of the day.

Evan passed his car seat test, so we got the call this morning that he could come home as well. Both boys have done wonderfully for the whopping three hours that they've been here together. Fingers are crossed for tonight...

I'll try to get on here to post video and pictures as soon as I can.


  1. WONDERFUL!!!It will be so much easier now they are home together. You will get in the swing of things, it just takes flexibility and lots patience!!! I'll keep you ALL in my prayers!!!

  2. Sarah- I have only one serious piece of advice from a mom of twins- it kept my sanity- KEEP Them on the SAME schedule- If one wants to eat - make sure they both eat, same goes for sleeping- if one is up - both are up- vice versa- This is the ONLY way for you to ACTUALLy have somewhat of a break! Call me if you need to talk! -Your cousin Julia Mc lengemann
